The Holy Family School community prays throughout the day . We recognize that part of being a Catholic community of believers is supporting one another through prayer.
If you have a prayer request and would like us to remember you or another in prayer during the day and at our school Masses, please submit the form below.
All requests are sent to our principal, so if you would like this request to be kept confidential, please check the "Please keep this confidential'' box below.
To prevent our continuing to pray for needs that have been answered, prayer requests will be accumulated for a month and presented at the monthly school Mass as part of our Offertory. School Masses are posted on our calendar, and we invite the community to join us in celebration. If, following the celebration of our liturgy, you wish to be placed on the next month's prayer list, please feel free to submit an additional request.
Thank you, and please pray for our staff, students and families, as we pray for you.