We are gearing up for an exciting Science Research Competition in grades six, seven, and eight. Students bring science to life as they tackle investigative questions through hands-on experiments, which help them develop and demonstrate their interests and strengths in science.
Through the judging process, a research competition gives students feedback from many people, not just science teachers. Judges can be administrators, other teachers, members of the community, aunts, uncles, grandparents, or neighbors who have an interest in science. In the past we have been fortunate to have many volunteers aid in our judging, and this year, we hope to have the same.
Our Science Research Competition is scheduled for January 20 through January 22 in our school. We are looking for volunteers who have a science background or a love of science to commit to judging our students' research projects. Projects will be available for judging from 8 am until 7 pm, so judges can choose a time which works for them. We will accept all the help we can get! Parents do not need to judge their children's grade, nor do you need a child in any of the participating grades to be a judge.
We will provide food and snacks while judging, and we thank you in advance for your help!
Please email me, Ms. DeRosa (
gderosa@myholyfamilyschool.org) or Mrs. D'Antoni (
kdantoni@myholyfamilyschool.org) to schedule a date and time, so that we can develop a schedule and get all of our projects judged. Thank you.
Ms. Gabrielle DeRosa
Eighth Grade Teacher