Welcome to our class! I am so excited to meet all of you and I am looking forward to a great year together!
Tuesday, 12/10 - HFS Annual Christmas Pageant @ 1:15pm & 7:00pm in St. Ann Chapel
Tuesday, 12/10 - Students and teachers may accessorize with Christmas accessories over their uniforms (hats, necklaces, etc.)
Wednesday, 12/11 - Christmas Bake sale at lunch. Each treat will cost $1.00.
Thursday, 12/12 - Students can bring in Christmas books to read or teachers can read a Christmas story to the class.
Friday, 12/13 - Students can wear Christmas pajamas and bring in a stuffed animal
Friday, 12/20 - Students can dress down in their best Christmas wear. During each lunch, the student council will pick the most festive and they will receive a prize.
Make sure you pack a morning snack and a water bottle labeled with his/her name.