Grade 5 Living Stations
Living Stations Prayer ServiceApril 9th, 2025 in the chapel

In preparation for Holy Week, the Fifth Grade Students will be performing the Living Stations of the Cross for both the school and parish communities.
We have been very busy behind the scenes, and a very generous as well as talented group of individuals have been hard at work to help make this prayer service a meaningful experience for both students and adults. Believe it or not we have about weeks before the prayer service.
I want to thank you in advance for your support of this prayer service and for your confidence in my direction. Please feel free to come and help us on the day of the prayer service or any time that week that is convenient for you. Many hands make light work! I am so pleased with how hard the fifth graders have been preparing for this very special prayer service.Please be advised that all Fifth Grade Students are to be present for both the afternoon and evening performances. The times and dates are as follow:
St. Ann Chapel
602 Main Street
1:15 school students and guests
7:00 parents and community
Students, please be in church at 6:30
Students are to to wear their gym uniforms Monday to Thursday next week. Wear their shorts underneath their gym pants..LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED ON Thursday
Luncheon Coordinator
Contact parents and schedule ,pick up and deliver special luncheon for kids on Thursday 4/10 at lunchtime after we clean up. They really like Chick fil A
On Thursday morning we need some parents ti help clean up and bring props back to school. . If anyone is free to help return our props on Thursday morning, I would be grateful for your help...
Volunteer to take pictures at dress rehearsal
Take pictures at rehearsal and make available to parents
Contact Videographer ~ Sean Gallagher ( former student)
Sean does an excellent job.
Totally up to you
* *Scott Rowland ( professional videographer) He has videoed Grades 5 Living Stations in the past
The cost can be divided among the class families . If interested, someone should call asap Phone 215-368-2525. He can provide all the info and cost of video and copies
volunteers to Assist with putting costumes on children during rehearsals. No need to email me.
Ironing ~ costumes will be sent home to be pressed. Each student should return his/her costume on a hanger marked with child's name in a plastic bag
Small water bottles /hard candy(Jolly Ranchers)
Real Palm plants ~ total of 8 needed on Monday of that week
2 one pound bags of whole cloves needed asap
Thanks for your contributions. We appreciate your kindness,