Class Notes – 2023-2024 School Year
Welcome to the Holy Family School Preschool Program. I am looking forward to a wonderful year!
I have included some important information on these pages. Please take the time to look over them carefully. If you have any questions or concerns about any of the information, or anything you would like to know in addition, please don't hesitate to contact me. Below find information on arrival and departure procedures, classroom information, parent/teacher communications, and curriculum.
Arrival Students in PreSchool/PreK will be dropped off at the preschool door located at Griffin Hall.
● Students arrive staggered between 8:00 and 8:20.
● CARES students will be brought to the classroom by the teacher/aide.
Dismissal is at 2:45-2:55pm to avoid the hustle and bustle of the rest of the school.
AM Session 8:00 - 11:15 AM- Parents should pick up the students at the same place they drop off (preschool door or playground). I will have your child packed up and dismiss to you.
Lunch Bunch Program 11:15 AM – 1:00 PM - Lunch Bunch students will be dismissed to their parent/guardian at 1:00 PM from the Preschool Room.
Full Day and Extended Day Program – 8:00 - 2:55 PM – Students will be dismissed to their parent or guardian from 2:45 - 2:55 from the classroom
AM students – Please see the attached for information on adding Lunch Bunch or Extended Day to your child’s schedule or for using the programs on a drop-in basis.
Let me know of any changes in your child’s normal routine in writing through a note in the folder or an email the night before.
Please note - If dismissal details change during the time your child is in class please let me know by calling the school office at (610) 933-7562 and leave a message with the school secretary who will notify us.
Also, due to the nature of the Preschool Program I will be unable to check email during class time. Please keep this in mind when deciding which means you will use to leave a message.
Parking There is limited on-street parking at drop-off and pick-up. You may also park in the Playground Parking Lot for drop off and dismissal pickup. All cars must be out of this lot by 8:40 and the lot must remain free from cars until 2:45. The playground and blacktop are used for recess throughout the day. Please note that if you are staying at Holy Family for any reason after the AM drop-off be sure to find street parking.
Classroom information:
Dress and attire – Students should wear comfortable, casual, washable clothes, free of complicated fasteners, to school. Please do not send you child in clothes or shoes that are precious to you. Students will be participating in a variety of activities and I will do my best to protect their clothes with smocks, but consider that accidents happen when choosing an outfit. Please have your child wear rubber non marking soled, closed toe shoes or sneakers, no flip flops. Sneakers are required for the gym. If a dress is worn please wear shorts underneath.
I ask that you supply us with a full set of seasonal clothing in the case of an accidental soiling or spill during art or snack/lunch time. Place the change of clothes, with your child’s name written somewhere on the clothes, in a Ziploc bag I have sent in your child’s folder. Leave the name plate in the bag so that they clothes can be identified easily. Please mark all extra clothing and outerwear with your child’s name.
I will be taking the children outside for as long as the weather allows. Please dress your child appropriately for each day’s weather conditions.
Snack – students will be provided with a snack each morning.
Birthdays - all students celebrate their birthday/special days during the school year. All summer birthdays are celebrated as “Special Days” sometime during the school year.
Communication between parents and teachers is of the greatest importance in aiding the student to attain his/her full potential. Please feel free contact us by calling the school office at (610) 933-7562 and leaving a message or by email at Any communication to the teacher or school office can be placed in your child’s folder.
Classroom related communication - Classroom teachers use folders to send home papers and work on a daily basis. Please check and review these folders each night and return with your child to school each day.
School related communication – You will receive information from the office about the school communication system – OptionC. Please log on and enter your email address so that you receive emails related to school and the Preschool classroom.
Notes and payments – All communication from home is to be enclosed in a sealed envelope with the child's name, grade and content of the envelope clearly indicated on the front. It is preferable that you pay by check or money order made payable to Holy Family School. All monies are to be directed to Stephanie Bahr, our school Business Manager.
Parent/Teacher communication – Parents may request a conference with a teacher, at any time. Place your request in writing to the teacher who will respond by either telephone contact or note as to an agreeable day and time. Scheduled parent/teacher conferences are held in October or November for preschool students. Conferences are scheduled with preschool parents by appointment in June.
School Web Site and Teacher Web Pages – Please check the Holy Family School web site for up-to-date information about our school – Follow this link to the Preschool Teacher Webpage -
Curriculum: The Early Childhood Program of Holy Family School promotes the spiritual, emotional, intellectual, physical, and social growth of our students. The program is based on developmentally appropriate activities using a "hands-on" approach. Our curriculum follows the standards set by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.
Preschool students will be introduced to one letter of the alphabet each week. Each month the instruction will focus on one number, one color, one shape, and other various themes.
Religion, Science, Social Studies, Math, Pre-Reading and Pre-Writing Skills will be integrated into various themes and centers throughout the year.
Specials – change year to year based on the Specials Teachers’ schedules – i.e. Music and Phys Ed.
I look forward to working with you and your child! Please feel free to contact us with any questions by leaving a message at the school office at (610) 933-7562 or by email at
Ms.Carolyn Cucinotta